
Animation, VFX, Video, Animatics | + info |

And it was like this that Pixeles Invasores was born, our passion are the audiovisuals. They are projects we enjoy since their conception to their production.

We have a creative and talented team with whom we've had the chance to work with in different projects of_
animation and video for shortfilms, opening and closing titles, intros, promotional videos, inductive and corporative, animatics, web videos, etc.

The Origin of the Axolotl
2017 | Client: Sanili
The Axolotl, better known in Mexico as Ajolote, used to be a rebel prehispanic god. This is the story of how it became into what it is these days. 

We must look after the axolotls! They are still in danger of disappearing.

Sanili in conjunction with Pixeles Invasores, wants to contribute to the diffusion of the prehispanic culture. This is the first video of the series.

2D Animation
Sound Design
Pixeles Invasores: We created our own world. Copyrights 2024